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3rd Internatsionala str., 186g
222514 Borisov
Republic of Belarus
+375 (177) 74-84-89
+375 (177) 74-84-85
+7 (495) 268-06-95

About Us

LLC "POZHSNAB" develops, manufactures, sells and repairs fire fighting and special-purpose vehicles. The Company has been successfully operating since 2002. Nowadays we have created more than 100 modifications of vehicles, which have been successfully operated in our country and abroad. The main direction of the Company is manufacturing  various types of fire trucks on various chassis (VW, IVECO, Mercedes, MAZ, KAMAZ, UralAZ, ZIL, GAZ, etc.).

Model and functional range of our production is extremely wide: tank trucks, vehicles of foam and air- foam extinguishing, dry powder extinction vehicle, all kinds of rescue vehicles, rapid intervention vehicles, anti-smoke defense services, mobile complexes and special vehicles like mobile command posts, vehicles of diving services, emergency and rescue vehicles for the elimination of major chemical accidents, plant processing (decontamination, disinfection) personnel and equipment, special airfield vehicles and aircraft tenders and etc.

Our company is oriented on the interest of consumers and improvement of quality of the product. LLC "POZHSNAB" attests: quality management system in the context of engineering, production, delivery and after sales service of fire-fighting tank trucks, meets the standards   ГОСТ Р ИСО 9001-2008 (ИСО 9001:2008), and it is proved by the fact that our company got conformity certificate of quality management system СТБ ISO 9001-2009.

All vehicles are equipped with necessary fire fighting and rescue equipment and tools. Modern innovative technologies, national and foreign materials are used in manufacturing: module assembly technology, GRP, exceptional protection from vibrations, compartments for fire-fighting equipment with mobile aluminum profile and racks with pull-out shelves on the telescopic sliding mechanisms and etc.

LLC "POZHSNAB" provides full-service for our own made fire trucks and their individual components and assemblies, as well as other leading car manufacturers. This helps to ensure a full service support of fire-fighting equipment throughout its entire life.

Constant improvement is our key to the market leadership.

We rely on our experience, business acumen, professionalism of our team and support of our partners from around the world. LLC "POZHSNAB" faces the future with confidence and continues to provide emergency services in different countries with modern, high-quality and reliable fire fighting vehicles at the best price.

We are united by aspiration for mutual success!

Best regards, POZHSNAB Team 

About UsNewsContactsProducts

3rd Internatsionala str., 186g
222514 Borisov
Republic of Belarus
+375 (177) 74-84-89
+375 (177) 74-84-85
+7 (495) 481-38-16